Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Crazy Cat and Congee

Ok, so it's been a while. Not that anyone's reading this, other than myself, the cat and my roommate.

Anyway, the cat is crazy, but still awesome. Words cannot describe the awesome-ness of this cat.

However, something I can discribe is Congee. It's delicious and soo nice on a cold day.

uhmm, I don't have a recipe, or what, basically, that's how I roll with simple recipes, they change every time I do 'em.

Here's what you do, fo' like a two person serving:

1) 1 Cup of rice
2)Lots of water/soup stock, like 2-3 cups.

Boil this. After it starts to thicken, add like a teaspoon or so of Soya Sauce. Stir occationally, make sure all the water doesn't boil off and add some periodically if it looks like it's getting too thick.

3) Simmer until it reaches the consistency of oatmeal.

5) Add veggies near the end (like 10-15 minutes before you want to eat it), if adding meat, add uhmm....before that....I donno we don't eat that stuff.

4) This whole thing takes about 40-60 Minutes.

Best part about this meal, it's cheap and easy.